Phil and The Philophobes
The Paytriot Parody was invited by Phil Godlewski for a tell all interview in his SCIF. Join us as we get to the bottom of the recent drama surrounding this GRIFTER and CHARLATAN of epic proportions.
Phil, online hard at work burning his SCIF and narrative to the ground
Disclaimer - This article, information and people contained within it should be considered as a work of Fiction and Parody and are not to be taken seriously.
Thank you to everyone whos memes, images and work that has been used in the making of this article.
A Little Background on Phil
Phil Godlewski wrote the Q Drops, is the real Edward Snowden, is part of the NSA, is part of the CIA, is a Harvard graduate, had a dark web meeting with DJT & Generals from his SCIF, is a member of Mensa, was offered a job in Trump’s administration, is an elite hacker, has time traveled.
Above are just a few of the 100’s of claims Phil has made over the years, we did try to confirm them but unfortunately we were unable to do so, on account of Phil being full of Bull Shit and the claims being a complete pack of lies.
We did however find a court document containing text messages to a Minor from a then Adult at the time Phil, stating that he hated his own Penis among other things...
We asked Phil about hating his own Penis to which he just laughed and claimed that the joke was on us because he didn’t actually have one anymore. Phil added that he lost his Penis during an undercover operation in North Korea when he worked as a spy and that one of Kim Jong-Un’s dogs bit it off during an interrogation.
Phil and His Phamily
I’ve learned from the best and surpassed them, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite, Phil said gleefully. I’ve taken a little bit from each of them and carefully crafted my own cult of personality for my followers.
I actively encourage them to report and snitch on each other. When I’m made aware of dissension or someone starts to ask too many questions, I ban and remove them from the channel. I’ve found this isolation tactic to be very successful in keeping negative information about me hidden from the majority of my members.
If you poll my followers you’ll find that most are post menopausal, lonely women who have the hots for me.
So Phil, in your own words…. What Happened?
So as most of the Truther and Patriot community is already aware I’m basically full of Bull Shit. I keep telling my followers (I like to call them Philievers) lie after lie and running scam ads on my Telegram Channel. I’ve been doing it a while now along with a lot of other really shady, grifter behavior.
It’s mostly gone under the radar of the big guns within the movement but I guess that’s coming to an end. I’ve now told one too many lies which have caught the attention of Gregg Phillips, Jordan Sather, Brian Cates and Dschlopes, EricaFreedom1776, as well as many other leaders in the community and now I’m actively being called out on those lies and scams.
They’re clearly just jealous of me and I consider them all to be Philophobes.
All I've said which started this unwarranted crusade against me was that I had been invited to the upcoming Pit Event with all the other patriots and that I had previously worked with Gregg when in reality I hadn’t actually been invited, neither have I ever worked with Gregg in the past…
It happened during one of my live Q&A’s where I’m asked a series of questions from my audience and sock puppet accounts and I just tell lie after lie as the answers, I just make it up as I go along.
Please click here to be taken to a video example of Phil telling lies during ones of his Q&A sessions
I tried to convince Gregg, my followers and the patriots that I was speaking of a previous event called The Sand Pit but they weren’t having any of it and didn’t believe me as usual.
When this didn’t work, I resorted to my tried and tested approach of threatening legal action against anyone that speaks badly of me or brings up my criminal past and convictions, of which there's multiple. I also just label everyone deep state operatives that calls me out and then try to dox them.
Phil on his Telegram Inconsistencies and Ads
We asked Phil about the inconsistency in the number of followers subscribed to his Telegram Channel and why his follower count goes up and down by such large proportions in such short amounts of time.
Phil told us that he likes to purchase and renew his Telegram followers towards the end of the week, as he gets a better deal on the amount of bot followers he buys from the bot farms.
Check out his channel stats for yourself
He later went on to add that if you look carefully at his Truth Social account, you’ll find that his follower numbers and reply / likes to his comments are a lot lower than his Telegram channel, on account of it not being as easy to buy followers on that platform.
We also asked Phil about the Scams, which he likes to call Ads on his Telegram Channel.
All Phil had to say on it was that he didn’t really care and that he was helping out his friends from third world countries earn money and that he didn’t receive any money from posting them.
Many of the people falsely quoted in these scams have come out and stated that they’re not involved with them and consider them to be fraudulent, something Phil isn’t bothered about as he still continues to post them after being made fully aware that they’re scams (even though he knew that they were to begin with).
An Abrupt End
Unfortunately, after only 17 minutes into the interview Phil received a phone call. The phone screen flashed up with Mommy Calling but after the call he stopped the interview and told us that his Lawyer had advised him to stop talking to us.
Phil later went on to advise us that if we were ever to publish any of the now classified material that he had just divulged, he would sue us into oblivion like the millions of other people that he had already unsuccessfully sued and have us sent to GITMO to be tried for crimes against humanity.
The Paytriot Parody has since noted that Phil has decided to take the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell approach towards his recent disputes and arguments with the patriots online. This is a similar approach that Phil has taken in the past when trying to ascertain the age of his potential sex victims.
Thank you ❤️
That was awesome, thanks so very much!